About Us
Dear Visitor,
There are very few things in entertainment one waits and hopes for months in advance. Back in 2008 it was announced that Bioware is working on their first MMORPG title set in the Star Wars universe. That is when our wait for the game started. Fans and fansites have popped up like mushrooms, but … We are very picky about the information and the presentation of information we look for about a certain topic. This drives us to create information sources of our own. And there you have it – www.Swtor-Life.com – a source of information for the fans created by fans. What you can expect to find here is complete source of news and insights into the Old Republic world. We’ll try and provide you with all the things you might want to find in a fansite. I am even hoping for some original comics to be a part of this project. We will be working on quest walkthroughs, item and drop databases, and generally all the information we can gather about the game.
We hope you will enjoy the content we have prepared for you. All of your feedback, good or bad, is always welcome and we encourage you to use the comment system to let us know how you feel about the site and the information you are finding on it. It will only make us better and help us provide you with a better experience on our site and in-game. Also feel free to emails us at with any and all suggestions.
Yours Sincerely,
Srdjan “Mikro” Stanarevic, Co-Owner and Editor
Nadezda “Genius” Stanarevic, Co-Owner
Derek “SWTORCrafter” Green, Co-Owner
I love the desire you have to serve the community. This is a great site and I hope to see very interesting things in the future.
After seeing your drive to serve the community on this fan-site I am glad to announce that I will be partnering with swtor-life to provide the community with the very best content that I can to further the community.
I will be moving my blog work that was at: http://www.swtorcrafter.wordpress.com to this site and will tirelessly preach the word about the SWTOR “Crew Skills” system and crafting in SWTOR in general.
I look forward to the future here at swtor-life.com join me and lets make this a great resource for the SWTOR community!
Pozdrav iz Srbije.
Pre svega svaka čast na lepom sajtu. Pre nekoliko dana sam slučajno pronašao vaš sajt kucajući Swtor Serbia u Google-u i saznao da je Sarge iz Srbije. Danas sam video http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6242450#edit6242450
pa sam želeo da prenesem svoje odušeljenje.
Sve najbolje vama i vašem sajtu.
Aleksandar Ilić
Greetings from Serbia.
) in the game.
First of all I would like to congratulate on lovely site you have here. Few days ago I stumble upon your site by searching Swtor Serbia on Google, and found out that Serge is from Serbia. Today I saw http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6242450#edit6242450 , and just wanted to pass how I felt about it.
Wish you and your site all the best. Keep on the good work and see you ( maybe some of you
Aleksandar Ilic
I just want to say to the Serbian visitors to our site that Serge and me are very concerned about you guys and we are glad you are here with us.
Best regards from Serbian TOR-lover!!
You just got yourself a new follower
pozz for everyone :*
Hi m Pedja From Serbia Belgrade I also want to greet you all and tell you site is
great with a lot off coverage and nice text and info overall
i did also recommend site in largest Balkan Serbian Guild named :Balkan Force
and did put link to site so you get more ours fans
cye pozdrav
Well what do you know, we have a major fan-site Editor from Serbia. This site is now my favorite SWTOR fansite. Cheers from Niš!
Pedja, thank you we appreciate your efforts!
All of our Serbian visitors please make sure you see this message from one of the Developers of SWTOR to you!
Waoo this is great tnx :))
Just to say hello from France and to tell you tha the site is great. i really like all your articles and especially those which are displaced and prove that gamers are not just idiots but are also smarter that anybody .
Keep the faith !
Did you guys stop blogging completely?