New Content Patch For SWTOR 1.1 “Rise of The Rakghouls” Delayed
Today we were supposed to have access to the first content update for SWTOR since the game went live at release. This content update is aptly named 1.1 It is thematically named “Rise of the Rakghouls” in honor of its main content upgrade and additions. However it has been delayed as per the statement from the patcher from Bioware and the announcement blog on the forums,
Hello everyone!
Because we care about ensuring that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ provides you with a consistent and quality game play experience, we will be postponing weekly maintenance this week. Downtime was originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) to 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET) and will now occur at a later date due to issues requiring additional testing that have been discovered with the Game Update 1.1 content on the Public Test Server.
These issues were primarily brought to our attention by the diligent players on the Public Test Server Forums. Your participation in testing helps to improve the game as a whole, and we appreciate your discussion and feedback. The bug reports you provide are a valuable part of the development process. Thank you!
We’re working hard to bring you Game Update 1.1: Rise of the Rakghouls and are working hard to ensure your overall experience with Star Wars: The Old Republic is spectacular! The maintenance window for Game Update 1.1 will be rescheduled for some time within the next few days, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. When there’s a definite time, we will post here on the Community Blog as well as on the Official Forums. Please keep your eye out for updates, and we will provide information as soon as it’s available.
So if you were waiting on this content today you will have to wait a little longer it seems as the people who are playing on the public test server helped Bioware determine some issues that required further testing. We here at SwtorLife are glad to see Bioware take this so seriously in an effort to make sure that the content they distribute to us is as bug free as possible they are willing to postpone its launch in order to get it right the first time.
I am also glad to see the public test server be so useful to them in identifying these issues, that lets me know that the hours i log there in an effort to make the game better by testing new content actually matter!
We will be sure to let you know first thing when we find out when this content will be going live so until then hang tight folks!
3 Responses to “New Content Patch For SWTOR 1.1 “Rise of The Rakghouls” Delayed”
I’m glad they identified the problems on the test server before it went live. Nice article!
Scheduled Maintenance
Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
All game servers and will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.
Thanks for this update Rosie!