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Brit invasion

Published by under Events on Apr. 05. 2011.


Entrance to gaming area

Computer setup

It is a special day for all the fans of the Old Republic in the United Kingdom because they will get a chance to play the game in London tonight from 7pm GMT. The event was announced on the forums a few days ago by Stephen Reid and forum members that applied were given invites on first-come, first-serve basis (follow this link for the complete announcement). Above images show the space where the gameplay demo will be held and I must say it looks awesome and futuristic. Members of the press are also playing the game as I write this article and we expect their reactions all throughout the day. Gameplay demo includes only the Origin worlds and each person will be given a whole hour to play. We’ll be monitoring how things go and what people’s reactions are and we’ll keep you posted on any news that might come out from this event. You may also follow #SWTORGB on Twitter, because that is the “official tag” for the event. If you are attending the event we would love to hear from you and what you thought of the game. Feel free to contact us if you want to share your experience.

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A glimpse into the numbers of people involved in Star Wars The Old Republic “game testing”, from James Ohlen

Published by under beta testing,Events,Live Coverage,PAX East on Mar. 13. 2011.



In their latest interview from the PAX East convention of 2011, Darth Hater sat down with Bioware’s creative director, James Ohlen.


Darth Hater: “We also heard that in your dialogue system, you are tracking metrics on when people are pausing to see how long they’re taking to make decisions and things like that to really work on the dialogue. So you are getting ton of information from the testers?”


James Ohlen: “We keep on getting more and more information as the testing groups get larger. We had two groups of a thousand players on a shard and that got us a lot of information because it was a lot more people playing together. We were able to see a population that was not indicative of the final game, but it was closer to it because the populations were so much bigger than just a couple hundred. We’re able to use that to make a lot of adjustments; it also validated a lot design decisions we made months earlier. The game really gets a lot better every single month. It is pretty impressive. The developer teams are getting faster at making changes and making adjustments to feedback. Two years ago it would take so long to see a change in the game, but now you see changes every month.”

From what I remember in the past, we have never really gotten a definitive number from a developer about just how many people are involved in “game testing”.  If I remember correctly the only estimations of a number came from the statement of “more than I could fit in my office” or something to that effect. (the actual quote escapes me at the moment but it was very similar to that statement)

When they tell me that they have two groups of a thousand players on a shard that gives me a better idea as to how far they are along in the numbers of people that they have allowed in at this point.  I figure it is more than two thousand at this point, but at least I now have a baseline reference.

The comment that they were “on a shard”  also makes me wonder if they also have the ability of running more than one shard at this time with their current server structure.  I am thinking they do and that they may be currently operating several shards at this point in time.  Maybe a private in house version for the developers only that showcases the latest builds, maybe a couple for outside the office testers, and etc.   I may be way off base,  as this is just speculation on my part.

In the end though, with this developer interaction I feel better about the testing process going on at Bioware.  One of my fears from the past was that they didn’t have the amount of people testing their game that they needed to find out all that was necessary.  That a small minority of people testing would sway the design decisions in directions I as a MMO veteran did not approve of for my gaming time.

With a number of at the very least two thousand testing the game, I feel much better that a wider view of MMO mechanic and game play design is being addressed.

Now if I could just get my hands on it and test out the “Crew skills system” I could die a happy man.      🙂

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Pax East SWTOR Minute by Minute coverage – Day 2

Published by under Events,Live Coverage,PAX East on Mar. 12. 2011.

Welcome to our second day of covering the Penny Arcade Expo and all the Star Wars The Old Republic news that will be pouring out of Boston. Yesterday was a satisfying day for TOR fans because of the officially released trailer and a number of great gameplay videos from both Taral V instance/flashpoint and starting worlds. There was an announcement that we’ll get some more official news today as well so keep refreshing this post for the latest updates.

Latest Video:

Latest News:

Images from the show floor:

256746533 256746554 256746599 256746621 256747700

Mos Eisley Radio Playing SWTOR

Click for Full Size

Corellian Run Radio talking to Daniel Erickson

CRR Crew + Erickson = awesome

Fansites gathering for interview time

Torocast, DartHater, MER

You can check out our Day One coverage in the posts bellow:

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Video of Working In-Game Space Combat Presented Live

Published by under Breaking News,Events,PAX East,Space combat,video on Mar. 11. 2011.

Darth Hater just released a video they shot at the SWTOR booth at Pax East where a demonstration of the Space Combat feature was held live. Presentation was hosted by Daniel Erickson and Stephen Reid and the footage is amazing in all of its Full HD glory. The video shows awesome footage of the space map and then shows us space combat inside an asteroid field. Darth Hater is working on one of their famous dissections of the video and you can find it here.

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SWTOR PAX East 2011 Minute by Minute Coverage Day 1

Published by under Breaking News,Events,PAX East on Mar. 11. 2011.

Last update for today – image gallery of Trooper UI – images from Engrey

Gameplay video

Images of gameplay (thank to Flipps from official forums):

Smuggler talent tree

Click for Full size

Smuggler character screen

Click for Full size

Smuggler in action

Click for Full size

Most important news (updated constantly):

  • “Fate Of The Galaxy” game trailer is available on the official site
  • This Friday’s update is the new trailer and that mystery is now solved
  • New PvP trailer with in-game footage debuted at the booth (it is not confirmed 100% it is a PvP trailer)
  • Trailer recaps the high level story — Peace in the Republic, Empire Returned, War, all set to clips of in-game footage. (source: Darth Hater tweet)
  • Shin saber form used by guardian – saber forms confirmed (source: Guild Umbra Tweet)

Images directly from the show floor:

New SWTOR PvP Trailer being played for the first time at PAX East

First showing of new trailer

Taral V Briefing by Bioware Staff

Lovely Deborah Shin giving Taral V Briefing

Ticket to Community Meet and Greet (all handed out already)

Latest News:

  • The waiting in line to get hands on with The Old Republic is 6+ hours long (queue early tomorrow)
  • Tarsal V flashpoint was epic, gotta go work now. Video to come (source: Guild Umbra Tweet)
  • People in line for Taral V get iPads with information on each class and their abilities.
  • New trailer with beautiful in game footage with HK47 cameo. (source Corellian Run Radio tweet)
  • Shin saber form used by guardian – saber forms confirmed (source: Guild Umbra Tweet)
  • The new trailer will be available at at 11AM is available now at
  • UI has been upgraded (source: Guild Umbra Tweet)
  • It is a PvP trailer
  • New trailer is going live now (10:20AM)!
  • Premade group has a level 32 Scoundrel (source: Guild Umbra Tweet)

First images from the booth and the queue line:

Click to see full size

Click for full size (thanks to Guild Umbra)

Huge Crowd Watching the Hope Trailer

Image by Mos Eisley Radio

With only an hour left before #SWTORPAX kicks off SWTOR Life is following the happenings at the convention Minute by Minute as news pour in. We will scour the internet and all the affiliated fansites in search for all that Old Republic goodness. Feel free to bookmark this post because we will be updating it live with new information. In preparation you can check out our other Penny Arcade Expo East articles:

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Queues at PAX East Already Forming

Published by under Events,PAX East on Mar. 11. 2011.

Penny Arcade Expo in Boston is about to open its doors to the gaming enthusiasts in about 30-60 minutes and excitement is mounting. The Old Republic fans are anxiously waiting for the Friday Update that will kick start PAX. I was thinking of starting a poll on what people think the big PAX Friday Update will be with options like “Next phase of beta” and “release date”, but I figure with only several hours away we’ll find out soon enough. In the meantime enjoy this image sent to Twitter by Guild Umbra of a line forming at PAX gates.

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Pax East Disturbes the Force

Published by under Events,news,PAX East on Mar. 10. 2011.

Image from Mos Eisley Radio

Penny Arcade Expo in Boston is only several hours away and excitement among The Old Republic fans is mounting. Things are not being made any less difficult by officials at Bioware and they keep adding fuel to fire. We first had an awesome update last Friday with plethora of information on the Bounty Hunter and the Deceived novel. We got surprised on Wednesday by the Guild HQ application on the official site (10.000 guilds have registered in these two days). The latest news is that Firday update, that Bioware has been doing for SWTOR every Friday for almost 2 years now, will be done live from the show floor. Official SWTOR Twitter account invited fans to:

… join us at 10:15am EST at Booth 912 and help us kick off #SWTORPAX

The wording of this announcement is very suggestive and the fact they chose #SWTORPAX to be their hash tag feels as if their news is going to be so big that PAX East this year will be remembered by SWTOR news. It might just be the starving fan in me seeing things though.

The other fact is that fans and members of fansites have already started arriving in Boston and there are some images already being available. You can see what the press badge looks like bellow (image from Vall of Tor Syndicate) and the image at the top of this article is actually a look at SWTOR booth that will host the big announcement tomorrow.

Keep your eyes pealed to SWTOR Life all throughout tomorrow and while the event lasts because we will be scouring for news and footage non-stop to bring you as much coverage as we can. Temporarily we added Twitter feeds in our sidebar to keep you updated with the latest news from fansite attendees as well as discussions tagged by the official SWTOR PAX East hashtag #SWTORPAX.

Image courtesy of Tor Syndicate

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PAX East – What SWTOR Fans Should Know

Published by under Events,PAX East on Mar. 08. 2011.

Only a few days are left before Boston hosts the 2011 Penny Arcade Expo – East coast edition. This is a big deal in the SWTOR community because Bioware seems to love PAX and always does something special at these events. This event is also special because for the first time there will be an organized gathering of SWTOR fansites and fans at two community events. Here’s a list of important things you can expect from PAX East this year.

The Old Republic booth is 912 and that is where visitors will be able to sit down and play the game. For the first time the general public will be able to experience flashpoint content. Taral V, the flashpoint we’ve seen footage of several weeks ago, is what people will be able to play through at the show. Those that lean towards the dark side can avoid playing this Republic only instance and choose to play one of the Sith Empire classes and their starting planets. Never fear my Jedi friends, you get a treat as well because for the first time the general public will be able to play on Tython and try Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular. Just to make things even more awesome James Ohlen (Lead Designer) and Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer) will be hanging at the booth all throughout the event and will be available for Q&A sessions.

The things I hate missing out on are two community gatherings that will happen at PAX. There is the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina organized by SWTOR fansites (I think the main sponsor is Darth Hater). Here are the details:
Date & Time: Friday March 11th, 2011, 7PM
Location: The Times Irish Pub & Restaurant, 112 Broad St. (Between High st & Wendell St.) Boston, MA 02110
Confirmed Participants:
Ask A Jedi
Corellian Run Radio
Darth Hater
Mos Eisley Radio

The second event is officially organized by Bioware and it is by invitation only. You can get your invitations at the SWTOR booth and if you do you will be able to attend the Community Meet and Greet hosted by SWTOR community team. The details are as follows:

Date & Time: March 12th, 2011
Location: Westin Boston Waterfront hotel
Confirmed Participants:
SWTOR Community team (meaning Stephen Reid, David Bass and Allison Berryman to name a few)
Developers (depending on how tired they are we might see James Ohlen and Daniel Erickson)

Remember that you can queue for the event up to an hour early so make sure you arrive there on time because the capacity is limited!

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PAX SWTOR panel full video

Published by under Events,PAX Prime,video on Sep. 05. 2010.

The biggest event for The Old Republic fans was SWTOR panel. We got loads of new media and information and was there to cover the whole event and provide us with a video showing all the great stuff revealed. Here are some of the things you can see in the videos below:

  • Jedi gameplay and backstory on Tython (Part 2 video)
  • Awesome footage of your Jedi character’s lightsaber being created (reminiscent of the deleted scene shown at this year’s Celebration V) (Part 2 video)
  • More Republic group gameplay and dialogue footage (Part 2 video)
  • Empire group gameplay and dialogue (Part 3 video)
  • Companions seen in group action (Part 3 video)
  • PvP(vE)? There is some Empire group footage that ends with Empire group meeting up with Republic group after some PvE content (Part 3 video)
  • Live multiplayer demo with members of the SWTOR fan site community controlling the characters. Darth Hater, TOROCast and LordHammer representing Guild Umbra and TORSyndicate were the ones involved (Part 3 video)

I would like to point you to Ask A Jedi’s article on the whole thing here. They deserve a visit.

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PAX News Update: Day 1

Published by under Events,news,PAX Prime on Sep. 03. 2010.

Doors of the Penny Arcade Expo have officially opened and North American gamers can finally sink their teeth into Star Wars: The Old Republic. Covering the event are several SWTOR fansites. Darth Hater continues with their excellent coverage where they update their PAX dedicated page constantly throughout the day with new info. These are some of the more interesting things they noticed with their hands on experience:

  • All classes except the two Jedi ones are playable to the public at low level for approximately 15m.
  • The line to play is at least an hour.
  • Sith Warrior was a human female with cybernetics on face.

You can read the rest of their updates here.

Ask a Jedi is also covering the event live with a constantly updated page. They had a chance to do a quick Q&A with Senior Producer Blaine Christine and Lead Writer Daniel Erickson. They covered advanced classes, companions, “is it an MMO?” and more. We’ll let you know as soon as they post this on their site. In the meantime you can read some highlights here. The same page also holds some hands on impressions and good screenshots. Also, they tweeted that:

Nothing new revealed today, but the inside word is that tomorrow will bring some GREAT news.

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