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Archive for the 'gameplay' Category

Cosmetic Gear – How important is it to you?

Published by under Game Mechanics,gameplay,Role Play on Nov. 09. 2011.

As I have shown in a previous article – Is “She” really a “She”? Female Gamers and Gender Bending in MMORPGs – 60 percent of MMO players have role-played. But, even among those who haven’t, I think most can say that they have happened upon that one gear set that really struck them as “perfect” for their character. Either it was perfectly menacing, evil, just, good, sweet, innocent or any one of a million different adjectives, but whatever it was that made it that way, it was perfect for their character.

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Server Types Announced For SWTOR!

Published by under Breaking News,gameplay on Nov. 03. 2011.

Server Types Announced For SWTOR

Continuing in the trend of basking us in SWTOR knowledge on a day that’s not even a Friday, Bioware’s David Bass made an announcement of the server types in Star Wars The Old Republic MMO!

This is information I have been wanting to hear for quite some time.  To allow me to plan ahead is always something I am thankful for and with this knowledge at least we can be ready for which server type we want to choose at launch.  This information also coincides nicely for guilds who just a hour ago found out the news that guild phase 3 was beginning.

Be sure to read the article in full and comment on the official forums here.

Here is what was posted by David, choose your server armed with this information!

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TOR And The MMO Time-sink

Published by under Blog,Game Mechanics,gameplay on Oct. 10. 2011.



As far as mmo’s go time-sinks come in many forms. Raids, crafting, PvP and among the most popular. While these can be very entertaining and fun to boot, all they do is to serve one purpose and that is to keep the player playing.


This article will be complied from my knowledge of  past mmo’s, and what information we have about how TOR will approach this.

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Has Bioware’s Story Driven Design Caused You To Change What Sex Toon You Will Have In SWTOR?

Published by under gameplay on Aug. 23. 2011.

I had what I thought was an interesting thought the other day. I had a topic cross my mind and thought it would make an interesting discussion topic.

What sex characters do you normally play in your MMO’s, male or female?

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Gameplay Video with Focus on the UI

Published by under E3,gameplay,video on Jul. 01. 2011.

We found this video among the media SWTORCrafter shot at E3. I’ve posted it a while back on our YouTube channel and I think it is about time I put it up on the site as well. There is some nice footage here of the new UI as well as companion specific UI. There are some nice enough shots of the sexy droid companion Scorpio to be found in the video. I’ve replaced the show floor noise with some original tracks from Knights of the Old Republic. People have been complaining about all the music and trailers that were heard in the background of previous E3 videos. I hope you find this a much better solution.


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On Cover and Gunslinging

Published by under Class,Game Mechanics,gameplay,Imperial Agent,PvP,Skills,Smuggler on May. 25. 2011.

Continuing his streak of highly informative posts on the main SWTOR forums, Principal Lead Combat Designer Georg Zoeller, voted most likely in his class to scream out “Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale!” at inappropriate times,  stopped by once more to enlighten us about Smugglers and their Cover mechanics.


Georg Zoeller - The Wookiee Whisperer

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Server Types Pro’s And Con’s

Published by under Blog,gameplay,PvP,Role Play on May. 11. 2011.

Ever since I returned from the Fan Site Summit in Austin I’ve spent little time in Rift. This was the game that I chose to tide me over until SWTOR release. As effective of last night my sub with Rift ended. With almost 2 months until it runs out I’m not really going to play much, and atm it’s lucky if I can muster up 1 hour play over a full day. This is from someone who played no less than 6 hours + per-day every day to almost nothing.

It’s not like I have not tried to rekindle the joy of playing the game but after getting around 8 hours on TOR, Rift is now so lackluster I cant seem to get that buzz I once used to feel.

Now with TOR I was ready as always to roll out on a PvP server. Just like every other game. With PvP being quite high on my list of things that keep me playing, and you can only really get that good PvP fix on a PvP server.,

Now, I’m a little puzzled to what server to roll out on with the news that PvE servers will have PvP zones that will auto flag anyone that enters at will.


This article will be for those like me that now find themselves pondering which type of server to go play. I hope reading back through when I’m done helps me to decide also. 🙂

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Playing the Imperial Agent – Part 2 – Story

Published by under Events,gameplay,Imperial Agent,SWTOUR on May. 03. 2011.

During the first Fan Site Summit Bioware organized for members of the Fan Sites that write about their upcoming MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, we had a chance to sit down for 2 days and play the game. These are impressions from our hands on experience and they are divided into the following segments:

  1. Combat
  2. Story
  3. Exploration
  4. General

You should also check out Swtorcrafter’s Bounty Hunter and General Gameplay Impressions for another view of the hands on experience.

In this article I will talk about the famous Story component BioWare has been focusing on as a main pillar of this MMORPG. If you know Bioware you know their strongest asset is great story. That is why I wanted to fight “The Man” and try and break that aspect of the game. I am an ex World of Warcraft player. Your story does not concern me. Give me quests and point me to where I can shoot stuff. There will be some spoilers in this article, but I will try and spare you as much as I can and warn you upfront when spoiler is incoming.

Click here to read why I think this is the best Bioware game ever made

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Playing the Imperial Agent – Part 1 – Combat

Published by under gameplay,Imperial Agent,SWTOUR on May. 01. 2011.

During the first Fan Site Summit Bioware organized for members of the Fan Sites that write about their upcoming MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, we had a chance to sit down for 2 days and play the game. These are impressions from our hands on experience and they are divided into the following segments:

  1. Combat
  2. Story
  3. Exploration
  4. General

You should also check out Swtorcrafter’s Bounty Hunter and General Gameplay Impressions for another view of the hands on experience.
In this article I will talk about the way combat works in SWTOR. I want to talk in detail about the skills my character had at its disposal during my gameplay and what it felt like to fight different types of enemies. I managed to get to level 6 on my own and I played a flashpoint with a level 9 character.
I’ve set a goal on playing the game outside of my usual gaming patterns. I usually read the quest text and do every quest I can find and I really hate to grind. I spend hours exploring and finding groups to do some cool stuff. In this case, I approached the game a bit different. I wanted to skip as much dialogue as I could to see if the game is still fun when I “break” the story element and I went off hunting mobs at random and outside my level range to see what it felt like. With all that in mind I sat at my designated computer and faced my scrawny imperial agent character. I felt sorry for the poor guy, he was in for some pain.
Click here to read more about the Imperial Agent and his combat skills

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UK PC Gamer May 2011 SWTOR Issue

Published by under gameplay,news on Apr. 16. 2011.

PC Gamer May 2011

The upcoming PC Gamer May edition has a 6 page special on the Old Republic. PC Gamer staff had a chance to sit down and play the game for two days in an epic 17-hour long gaming session. They got to play the Bounty hunter and Imperial agent starting worlds as well as some PvP on Alderaan. This issue is infamous for its races/classes chart that mentions the Cyborg for the first time and that Daniel Erickson said is wrong to some extent. What I found interesting is that they clearly put the following stamp at the start of the article: “Release: Autumn 2011”. It is also mentioned that each class’ story is 3 times as big as KOTOR, which means that just the class stories are as big as 24 KOTORs.

Click here to read more about the author’s impressions of the game and to find links to the scans of the issue

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