Prologue / Act 1: Scene 1 / Act 1: Scene 2 / Act 1: Scene 3
I am pausing here to take a good look around. I have talked about the first three planets that have actual PvP on them. I have also touch on the two planets that have no actual world PvP on them after the origin planets.
I want to give you a list of planets and their levels for each faction. There is not much difference in the list, except that the origin planets are different and there are two planets that trade places depending on the faction. Other than that, both factions are on the same planets at the same levels. Continue Reading »
Prologue / Act 1: Scene 1 / Act 1: Scene 2
The planet Alderaan has been known throughout the galaxy as a place for knowledge, freedom, unity and the goal of peace. Many feel that if Coruscant is the heart of the Republic then Alderaan is the soul. The treaty of Coruscant disrupted that relationship and Alderaan withdrew from the Republic and became focused on the civil war among the noble houses.
The beauty and peace of Alderaan is now scarred with the blood and smoke of war. The once peaceful and smooth political process has degenerated into treachery and war. Added into all of this confusion, the Empire has backed an old forgotten noble house, Thul, and the Republic has been providing backing for another well known and old noble house: Organa. Continue Reading »
Players who have played since launch already know the order of the planets near the beginning of your epic adventure. The Empire starts out either on Hutta (Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter) or on Korriban (Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor) then moves on to the capital planet of Dromund Kaas. The Republic starts out on either Ord Mantell (Smuggler and Trooper) or on Tython (Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular) then moves on to the capital planet of Coruscant. These are the sanctuary planets. The opposing faction can’t visit these locations. So where does PvP start? Continue Reading »
Hello Swtor-Life-ians, today we were graced with the SWTOR Facebook weekly screen Today it is a shot from the planet Voss. Billed as a planet who is described as “The planet Voss is steeped in war between its native species, the Voss and Gormak.” Not really sure whether this is a shot of some sort of monument or of some type of wreckage or left behind device. In any event it looks cool and shows the type of scenery we might come to expect on this planet.
It has been speculated for some time that Corellia is going to be one of the planets players will be able to play through and this Friday’s update confirmed those suspicions. In the first Friday update that was not posted by long time community manager Sean Dahlberg (he left Bioware a few days ago) we get a brand new Corellia Holonet page with all the basic information about the planet we could want. Things you should know about the planet:
- A founding member of the Galactic Republic
- Symbol of personal and economic freedom
- Birthplace of Han Solo (3000 years in the future from TOR)
- Main Starship production planet
- Contact has been lost with the planet. Some images show destruction from bombardment but no solid info is available.
Check out the official news item here and you can see the screenshots and concept art of the new planet in our galleries below..
Corellia Screenshots
Corellia Concept Art
Although it is not technically a planet, it still is a celestial body we’ll be able to quest on. The largest moon of planet Hutta is also home for the smugglers of the Exchange. Put the Hutts and the Exchange on a moon full of casinos, bars and a black market located deep bellow the shining lights of the city’s exterior and you have a perfect place for a shady adventure. Nar Shaddaa is the next “planet” reveal we got during this Friday update. You can see its official HoloNet page here and you can view the planet gallery below.
This Friday also brought the continuation of the Blood of the Empire Comic.
Teneb Kel is confronted with a strange and frightening vision of the past, the future, and of his greatest enemy. As he lies broken in the Lenico wasteland, he must seek the truth about Exal Kressh and the Emperor’s goals within his mystical dream–or be utterly destroyed when he returns to reality.
Check out the latest issue of Blood of the Empire now!