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Archive for the 'rumor' Category

Swtor space combat video speculation

Published by under rumor,Space combat,speculation,video on Jul. 23. 2010.

Thanks to this thread on the official forums we became aware of the video below. Apparently, the engine Bioware is using to create SWTOR is capable of producing space combat experiences. The video below is a demonstration of such capabilities by a small developer studio using the same “Hero” engine to create their own Space combat MMO. Whether Space combat in SWTOR will resemble the video below in any way is completely speculative and I must warn against making any conclusions based on the footage you are about to see. I just think this is an interesting find and wanted to share it with you.

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Swtor Closed Beta rumors rampant

Published by under beta testing,rumor on Jun. 25. 2010.

SWTOR Closed Beta Invite

All the major MMO sites are reporting about a rumor saying that ~200 SWTOR closed beta invites have been sent out this morning to lucky winners. The image above allegedly show one such invitation (and if the person that made it is not really good at photoshop I must say it looks genuine). All of this was started by a thread on the official forums that was continued in thread no. 2. The most interesting piece of information divulged by Sean Dahlberg (Swtor community manager) is the following:

The Game Testing Agreement that was agreed upon (when signing up for game testing) states:

1. The fact that there is a Game Program.
2. The fact that you are a member of the Game Program.

Outside of that, it is a violation of the agreement to do anything more such as posting images or screen captures of anything related to Game Testing that is private and confidential and not already publicly revealed by The Old Republic team.

The discussion on the official forums expanded onto the third version of the original thread located here. This makes something like 500 pages of posts.

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