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Best of #SWTORSun

Published by under community news on Jul. 11. 2011.

Community initiated #SWTORSun day event on Twitter went rather well and as I promised yesterday I am posting the tweets I liked the best. I hope this becomes a thing.
Evoroth tweeted:
Wrist-mounted carbonite dispensers. ‘Nuff said.
Roq777 tweeted:
#SWTORSun someone just has to mention the female arse animation… oh wait, I just did
yaskael tweeted (in response to Roq777 tweet above):
And possibility of having princess Leia bikinis on a hot twi’lek?
MrFrettz tweeted:
At first it was about the game, but now it’s about the people. Can’t wait for launch!
dwisms tweeted:
because a game where you care even when you level up, cannot be missed!
SWETOR_Ebanon tweeted:
Looking forward to the Eternity Vault and the feeling you get when you down a hard boss for the very first time.
theRebelWeasel tweeted:
Despite the awesome MAP work I still expect to get thoroughly lost in huge TOR areas! 😀
Adaram tweeted:
I love the #SWTOR companion system. I am especially looking forward to meeting Blizz the Jawa!
PoeticLogic tweeted:
Orbital bombardments and Juma Juice! Cantina RP sessions!

See you all again next Sunday!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Best of #SWTORSun”

  1. dwismon 11 Jul 2011 at 12:33 pm

    Heh, thank you 🙂

    Although I can tell I need to step up my tweeting game (is that a thing?) if I am to make next weeks best of.

  2. Evorothon 12 Jul 2011 at 4:14 pm

    Woot, my Tweet got listed 😀