Calling All Crafters! Have Faith, SWTOR Crafting and Crew Skills Info Coming Soon!
Have you just about dried up and blown away from the lack of information released on crew skills in Star Wars the Old Republic MMO?
I feel your pain and that is why I come to you today to preach the word and let you know to have faith, information is coming!
Monday the 19th TORWARS one of my favorite fansites focusing around SWTOR released an interview they had with my hero on the SWTOR developer team, Lead System Designer Damion Schubert.
In this interview Damion had some nice nuggets of information for us such as this when asked about what system he can’t wait to see players mess with,
Thanks so much for chatting with us today, Damion. What system are you most looking forward to watching a million players get their hands on and why?Damion Schubert:
By far, Crew Skills. Making the crafting system take advantage of the existence of your companions has been an extraordinary success, and allowed us to do some neat things under the hood. Also, we have a couple of twists that we’re pretty sure are going to surprise people in the amount of depth and extensibility they bring to crafting.
Twists huh? Well I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to know what that was about. And via this next quote we get the possibility that the answers may just be coming soon!
Can you touch on any of the end-game activities (aka money sinks) that will be available to players other than crafting? Will we see any “Daily” quests that are geared towards earning credits and/or factional favor?Schubert:
More news on endgame crafting is coming soon!
Endgame crafting! That’s what I am talking about. I need this information, I wants my precious!
Hopefully this “coming soon” doesn’t mean a month from now, hopefully it means a week or so. I had high hopes for this Friday being the day that we may see this information be released in the form of a dev dispatch or dev diary, but with this information that just dropped a few hours ago it doesn’t appear likely.
Well, there’s always hopes for next Friday.
Have faith fellow Crafters, I don’t feel it is long now and a lot of our questions just might be answered. Preach the word of crewskills and make converts
(Thanks to TORWARS for scoring a great interview!)
4 Responses to “Calling All Crafters! Have Faith, SWTOR Crafting and Crew Skills Info Coming Soon!”
Thanks for the link love! Glad you enjoyed the interview.
David Moore
thank you guys for the awesome work you do at your site. You have inspired me many, many times. Great people at TORWARS, guys I highly recommend their site to all that come here, you will love them too. Thanks for stopping by David.
I swear I at times feel like Charlie Brown and the person incharge of Friday up dates is Lucy. With a remote chance of crafting info I charge forward looking to ‘kick the football of enjoyment’ and yoink …. Arrrrgggghhh spat info on changing skin colors of companions.
I know right?
I was so hopeful all week that this week would be the week Damion released that info he was hinting at. Don’t get me wrong I loved the companion info from today but companions are < crewskills IMO