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Archive for December, 2011

Launch Beard Removed

Published by under humor,video on Dec. 19. 2011.

It is the day before SWTOR launch and it is time to get rid of that scruffy look! Several months ago it became a thing to grow a beard until Star Wars The Old Republic launches. Greg Zeschuk, one of Bioware founders, started growing one, Daniel Erickson had one and we are sure many other working in the game felt it appropriate to grow one. A lot of fans also joined in on the fun (like people from and torhangout) and stopped shaving until the wait was finally over and the game was out. Guess what – we wouldn’t be Living The Old Republic if we didn’t do a launch beard as well. With a lot of sacrifice and spouse aggro I grew one of my own. This was the first time in my life I had a beard this big. It went really well along with the development of as well. I decided to shave it the first day of Early Access. It felt appropriate to lose the beard the moment the first people are able to create permanent characters on SWTOR servers. This was a very fun thing for me and I wanted to share this with all the SWTOR fans out there. So, without further ado, SWTOR Launch Beard video – SWTOR Life style:


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TOR Lore: Server Explanations Pt. 2

Published by under Editorial,gameplay on Dec. 18. 2011.

In response to long queue times and the need for servers, the folks over at BioWare having been bring up new servers of all types for both the European community and the US since the start of early access. Here are a list of the new servers and the lore explanation for their names. As with my previous list I will not provide a lore explanation for a server if the name is drawn from SWTOR itself to avoid spoilers.

You can find the first list of server names and the lore explanations for them here Continue Reading »

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Beyond the Gundark, but A Rakghoul has this covered!

Published by under Uncategorized on Dec. 17. 2011.


We have the third installment of this series. I am going to try and put together a meal from appetizer to dessert in this one. To see the other two installments go here and here. Continue Reading »

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RP Your Own Legacy

Published by under Role Play on Dec. 16. 2011.

((The RP XP with MJ #17))

“Hutta is wonderful this time of year if you don’t inhale too deeply,” the bounty hunter chuckled as he escorted the imperial agent past the palace of Nem’ro the Hutt.


Jenla smirked. “Why the hell did you bring me here, Boarsch? You know how much the Hutts nauseate me.”


Boarsch hid his amusement by pretending to look away from her, concentrating on some activity at the end of a side street. Since the attack against the Jedi and Sith two days ago, Jenla Ruf and Boarsch had been on the run, skirting the outer rim systems and playing hopscotch with the main merchant runs where the Empire and Republic often traded blows. They just arrived on Hutta to re-supply and get work done on the ship. Distant blaster fire marred an otherwise quiet day.


As they turned down a particularly putrid alley rank with the smell of waste, Jenla stopped and held up her hand. “I am not going down there.”


The bounty hunter kept walking as the agent unsteadily glanced back down the main road.


“Did you hear me, Boarsch? I’m not going down there.”


The bulky Mandalorian shrugged under his armored shoulders. “Suit yourself, darling. I’m sure a Chiss woman by herself wearing an Imperial uniform will be just fine standing on the corner all alone.”


Jenla scowled and glanced from side to side, then watched as Boarsch continued down the alley. In a few paces he’d have to turn at the end and vanish from her sight. Looking back toward the spaceport, she saw two Gamorreans with heavy weapons waddling toward them. “Wait. …Boarsch, wait!”

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Published by under humor on Dec. 16. 2011.

Spotted at

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Grace Period For SWTOR Customers, Announcement From Dr Greg Zeschuk

Published by under Breaking News on Dec. 15. 2011.

It appears Bioware has heard the uproar from their fans and have decided to allow SWTOR purchasers that may not receive their physical copy of the game by the 20th a small grace period in which to be able to enter their code.  Here is the latest from Dr Greg Zeschuk!

Thank you Bioware for listening to your fans and customers!

Hello everyone,

While we’ve worked closely with our retailers in the launch territories to ensure copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic are available from our launch date of December 20th, we understand that for those of you who’ve pre-ordered, there may be a concern about getting your copy on time. We’ve heard you want a ‘grace period’ where you can continue to play without having to enter a final product registration code (AKA ‘game code’).

We’ve been listening, and after doing another deep review of our platform infrastructure, we’re taking action. Today, we’re announcing a two day grace period for Star Wars: The Old Republic customers.

This means that everyone who pre-ordered and is in the Early Game Access program has forty-eight hours from launch in which to enter their product registration code, which will be found inside the physical Standard and Collector’s Editions of the game; for digital editions of the game from, the registration code will have been emailed to you after December 16th and will arrive before December 19th at 11:59PM EST. After December 22nd 12:01AM EST, you will be required to have a valid payment method and a product registration code registered to your account to continue to play. We strongly recommend that you register your product code as soon as you are able to do so (rather than waiting until the last minute) to ensure a seamless entry into the game, a smooth experience on the account website and to collect any special gifts and items you may be entitled to based on the version of the game you purchased.

We understand that for some, your copy of the game may still arrive on or after December 22nd. Unfortunately, we cannot extend the grace period any further. We suggest you contact your retailer to discuss shipping options, if this is a concern.

You may be wondering if your 30 days of game time (included with your purchase of the game) will be affected by the grace period. The answer is no. If you redeem your product registration code during the grace period, and add a valid payment method to your account, you will begin your billing cycle from then, and you will be entitled to 30 days of game time. If you redeem your product registration code before December 20th, your billing cycle will begin on December 20th at 12:01AM EST (the official launch date and time of the game).

We know this has been an issue for some of you, and we apologize for the concerns. We’re looking forward to welcoming all of you to the official launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic!


Ray and Greg

(This post is available in French here, and in German here.)

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TOR Lore: Server Name Lore Explanations

Published by under Lore on Dec. 15. 2011.

There is so much big news going on in the SWTOR universe right now. Guilds have been deployed, players have begun to enter that game, and the experience we have been waiting years for is finally upon us. On Monday BioWare sent out the guild deployment notices which also gave the world a list of all the server names players will be able to choose form. Just like in beta, these server names are inspired from the lore of the Star Wars universe; various character names, items, and locations make up the various names for everyone’s servers. Some of these names are well known among Star Wars fans, while some are a little more obscure. To let everyone know where their server name is taken from I have compiled this list giving a brief background of the lore that inspired the server names.

Note: Some of the server names are taken from NPCs and locations in TOR. In these cases I have not included any background on them to avoid spoilers. I will also add any new servers that are activated to this list so check back for the most up to date version.

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The Day

Published by under Editorial on Dec. 13. 2011.

In less than 5 minutes servers for Star Wars: The Old Republic will go live and people will be able to create their permanent characters for the first time. This marks the end of an era. More than 3 years ago it was announced for the first time that a Star Wars MMO is in the making and that it is being made by Bioware. Ever since then I have been watching closely what is happening with this project. As time went by and more information became available I was sure that this is the next game I will devote myself to fully. I had no idea how much exactly. I made the first post about the Deceived trailer back in 2009 on a now defunct blog. June 2010 is when SWTOR Life officially went live. This means that we have been waiting for this moment for year and a half now.
In this time we managed to interview developers, visit Bioware in their HQ, report from conventions and we even managed to expand and bring you a fully functional SWTOR Database. There are two things I am proud of the most. One is the SWTOR Life crew. These are the people that decided to be a part of this site for no benefit at all except participating actively in the SWTOR community. I thank you so very much and love you with all my heart. This site would be a speck of dust in the desert if it wasn’t for you. Thank you Grant, Mick, Michael, Dalqak, Joshua, Rosie, Hawk and Morgaine. I would also like to thank James aka BorukBH that is not part of the staff anymore but contributed a great deal when he was. Thank you for being as awesome as you are!
I would also like to thank Derek aka SWTORCrafter for taking the plunge and deciding to partner up with me in this crazy endeavor.
With all of these people the future just looks brighter.
And the future holds lots and lots of playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. We will try and continue to bring high quality coverage of the game. Together with our Database we will be a complete source for all your SWTOR needs.
The second most important thing are you, our visitors. There have been more than half a million people that visited SWTOR Life while we all waited for the game. I thank each and every one of you and I hope you’ll stick around because the best is yet to come.
Now, start pressing that F5 key to see if the email for Early access has arrived. While you wait feel free to watch this fan made video that will set the mood perfectly and once you get in enjoy the wonderful worlds and stories Bioware created for us.
Yours Truly,
Srdjan and Nada Stanarevic
SWTOR Life Founders

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A troll may struggle with it, but a Gundark can do it!

Published by under community news,Editorial on Dec. 12. 2011.

So we have seen the easy ones here, now lets see about something that may take, if not more time, a bit more brain power.


The following few recipes are ones my family enjoys. We tend to make popovers for breakfast when we have a bunch of guests, and if we are having a party we tend to make deviled eggs. I am going to type out one of the recipes, but there are a total of three that we will use interchangeable. Continue Reading »

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Naming Rules – Do You REALLY Know the Rules?

Published by under Editorial,news on Dec. 12. 2011.

Do you actually know the Rules?


EA/BioWare has published their Rules of Conduct: — Very important and useful documents that most players skip over in their excitement to get into the game. I’ve already covered the EULA in a previous Article

Most of the rules are pretty common among MMOs, and if you are a veteran MMO player, you won’t blink twice at them. However, a few of the items are a little different than you may be used to, and are worth looking at a little closer, so that you don’t run afoul of any of the rules once Early Access (and Launch) hits and you find yourself actually playing the game.


One of these items that deserves a closer look is the Naming Policy. Now, we have known for a while that BioWare isn’t going to enforce Role-Playing Naming, even on RP Servers. To many RPers that was a disappointing decision, but those names can be subjective at times, so I can understand their stance. But, what rules ARE they going to enforce? Well, if you read the Rules of Conduct, and make your way down to Section D, you will find out. It reads as follows:

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