Important News Incoming?
Patrick Buechner, Bioware’s VP of Marketing Tweeted the following yesterday:
Bioware fans pay attention RT @geoffkeighley VGA rumors…We’ll share two world premiere announcements on Wednesday with many more to come.
Some assumed that this might be related to some Dragon Age or Mass Effect announcements, but the following tweet hints that it will be about The Old Republic:
I’m at BioWare Austin in Austin, TX
Two world premier announcements … here’s my speculation – Release date and Beta related announcements (just writing that down gives me a fangasm). So, what do you think will be announced in the next couple of hours?
(Cheers to Ask A Jedi for first spotting the tweets).
2 Responses to “Important News Incoming?”
How does that tweet hint anything about the Old Republic?
It is because Bioware, Austin is the one making The old Republic. It was assumed that if the guy was visiting Austin at the time of the big announcement, it will be related to TOR. We later found out that assumption was wrong and that the announcement was a teaser for the new Bioware game. Oh, and thanks for digging out a month old post :).