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Bioware Delivers – Crafting and PvP Warzones Revealed

Published by under Breaking News, Crafting, PvP on Nov. 05. 2010.

There is an Electronics Arts event being held in London, and as we reported earlier a big announcement for The Old Republic was anticipated at the event. Bioware delivered in a big way on this promise and gave us details on both crafting and PvP warzones.

SWTOR Crafting

Crafting will have three major groups – Gathering, Crafting, and Missions. For now, we have been presented with two professions in each of the groups:

Gathering Crafting Missions
Bio Analysis Artifice Diplomacy
Slicing Biochem Treasure Hunter

Crafting system is completely innovated in comparison to what we are used to seeing in other MMOs. You will be able to use your companions for crafting! The “Crew Skill crafting system” means that you will be able to send your companions on crafting tasks and specialize them in certain crafting branches. Sending out your companion on a Treasure Hunt can bring you a rare item based on random number generator. Certain companions will excel better at certain professions than others (the example provided was Vette, Sith warrior companion, who will excel at Treasure Hunting). You will be able to send companions on crafting missions from anywhere in the world and you will be able to queue your tasks for them. It is still unclear whether different companions will be able to have different crafting tasks at the same time or you can have one task at a time (with multiple companions working on it), but I believe we will soon find out.
A very interesting mechanic was mentioned concerning gathering. If you have your companion with you adventuring; once you see something that you can gather, instead of moving your character there to gather, your companion will do it for you while you continue fighting or doing whatever you were doing.

For all you crafting buffs out there here’s a very interesting quote from the event:

It is a very robust system, and there are still some details that we haven’t revealed yet which I know players are going to be excited about. I will just say there are some mechanics to it that will allow players who are more involved in crafting to really get deeply involved in crafting and be appropriately rewarded for it.

SWTOR PvP Warzones

We received details on Alderaan’s warzone that was previously announced at E3 but without going into too much depth. The most important points are:

  • 8 vs. 8 combat
  • objective-based PvP with a goal of controlling an area
  • rewards tokens
  • rewards XP

The way this warzone will work is that each team starts at their drop ship in the skies. They have means of transportation to get to the ground. Once there they fight to get control over planetary’s defenses. Whoever controls the defenses starts firing on the other team’s drop ship. The winner is the team that destroys the other team’s dropship.

The other thing we learned is that each warzone will have different objectives and mechanics involved. For example, the next warzone that will be revealed will take place on a derelict starship and will have completely different mechanics than Alderan’s. Here’s a quote from Darth Hater’s original article that I found most interesting:

BioWare’s PvP designer Gabe Amatangelo said they wanted Warzones to fit in with the story element of the game. When they looked at PvP, they decided that banners, flags and points were “too game-y.”

These two reveals have once again changed our way of looking at this game once again. The crafting system is much more intricate than we initially though it will be. The warzones mechanics looks legit and fun from a PvP buff point of view. Everything is starting to fall right into place and we are now more excited about the game than ever before.

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New details on TOR to be announced in Europe

Published by under news on Nov. 04. 2010.

Apparently, The Old Republic team is in Europe and they just announced through their Twitter accounts that they will be announcing new details about the game soon. Whether this will be this Friday as part of the regular Friday updates or today remains unclear. Ask a Jedi reports that:

.. one of our sources spoke of another “special unannounced event” that would provide TOR fans with some new information before the end of the year

The special event is supposedly EA Winter Showcase in London. We all know that European players are hoping for announcement of EU Game Testing start, but we better hold back see what happens in the neext few hours. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we get more information.

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Speculations of DOOM, Part 2, The Cure

Published by under Editorial, rumor, speculation on Nov. 03. 2010.

There is a feeling of slight unrest within The Old Republic community as of late. We discussed the causes for this in the previous part of this article (which I recommend reading if you haven’t already, otherwise this part will not be so clear) and we’ll try to address some of the concerns in as unbiased manner as possible.

Is there really not enough time to release all information before release?

Lets assume that we have 22 weeks left before the game hits open beta and information is then released by everyone. I have made a list of things we should be receiving info on in the time left, based on what Bioware released so far and new game mechanics we all expect to see in the game:

  • Week 1-4: Jedi Consular, Trooper, Bounty Hunter, Sith Inquisitor class trailer/info
  • Week 5: Companion mechanics detailed info (all companions should be revealed through class reveals)
  • Week 6: Playable species
  • Week 7-9: Detailed PvP/battlegrounds information
  • Week 9-11: Crafting
  • Week 12-14: unrevealed planets (?)
  • Week 15-18: End game reveals
  • Week: 18-22: Various additional information

Click here to read the full Editorial article

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SWTOR Community Halloween

Published by under community news on Oct. 31. 2010.

It’s Halloween and everyone is enjoying a good scare. To celebrate, Joanne Laroche invite The Old Republic fans to post their Halloween Star Wars related costumes on the forums. The best costumes will be featured in the upcoming Fan Friday and we took the liberty of singling out a few of these in the gallery bellow.

Jyliaan KitsuneSokudo Lifthrasir Merrickk Selven
Chimaeros LusjoOrdo Obyy Tenpo Necropotence
JediGill BlackFx JediGill2 PeepsMcJuggs Aqfitz
Thaxos Synnr Stone Jedi JonDuBroc Crez

One very scary photo was submitted among the family friendly pictures. The costume is in fact so scary that we have to recommend caution to all those with weak hearts or even good taste. We are not sure whether this is an actual forum user or just a random image from one of the star wars conventions, but the scare factor is there nevertheless, which makes it a perfect Halloween image.

Click on this link to view the scariest Star Wars costume ever. WARNING! What was seen can not be unseen!

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Imperial Agent Full Disclosure

Published by under Imperial Agent, video on Oct. 30. 2010.

One of the more interesting classes of the Sith Empire got some Friday Update love yesterday. Imperial Agent is a mix of stealth, healing and high DPS, which is not something you see often in a class. The agent can specialize to be an Operative for close range combat/healing option or a Sniper for all you “assassination from stealth” type of players. Furthermore we found out that the starship you will be flying as the agent is X-70B Phantom-Class Prototype (very slick looking). Your “trusted” companion will be the petite, yet very tantalizing Kaliyo Djannis. Just to make this information-full Friday update even more rich we are treated with the Holonet page about the Chiss race that is apparently a natural pick for Imperial Agent players.

This Friday update also brings us back on track with information rich updates that the SWTOR community is longing for and we hope this trend continues. Enjoy the Imperial Agent Class Trailer:

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Swtor Life Interviewed by the Tor Syndicate

Published by under Site news on Oct. 29. 2010.

If you ever wanted to find out who is behind these article and this site you have a chance to find out more by listening to the interview Vall from Tor Syndicate did with yours truly. I apologize up front for the nasty accent and all the language errors, but my speaking English is a bit rusty. I would like to thank the Tor Syndicate for this extraordinary experience and for all of their work in bringing the TOR community together. You can listen to the entire Tor Syndicate podcast that contains the interview by clicking here.

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Speculations of DOOM, Part 1, The Cause

Published by under Editorial, rumor, speculation on Oct. 27. 2010.


The Old Republic fans are a bunch of people in love. They are in love with the concept behind the game Bioware is making. Star Wars universe populated by you and your friends in which everyone gets to be a hero. How can you blame them? That is why the moment someone mentions that there could be any kind of trouble with the game there are cries of terror showing up all over the official forums and fansites. There are several things that happened simultaneously these past few weeks that caused the current wave of doomsayers. We wanted to address these in this two part editorial describing the causes in part one, that you are reading now, and offering some explanations and suggestions in part two that will follow shortly.


  1. During the convention season we were treated with loads of new game information. For the first time people were able to sit down and play the game. We also saw some higher level gameplay footage for the first time and were shown Revan’s dungeon. Space ships and advanced classes were also explained in detail. Following up on all that info we were also given a lot of info about the Smuggler and the Jedi Knight. Next three updates were about a planet, biographies and a timeline. If it was any other time of the year these would be enough, but after the eventful convention season all of it feels lackluster.
  2. Advertised release date is getting very close. Here’s the math that is scaring fans. Everyone is expecting the game to come out in April, May the latest. Any date later than that is unexpected (even May is cutting it close) because summer is dead season. This gives us 6 months tops before the game’s release. Based on Bioware’s own policy that they don’t talk about it before its done people are thinking the following: “If they are not talking about so many core systems that means they are not done yet. Will they be done by release (in such a short period of time)?”. And MMORPG gamers are already tired of all those rushed out releases that ruined so many potentially great projects (who said Warhammer online, Age of Conan, Star Trek Online, APB – OMG are there that many?)
  3. EA Louse. He is a “whistle blower” from inside Mythic (the makers of Warhammer online) that whines about how life ain’t fair and how management is to blame for WAR failing and him losing his job. Since Bioware and Mythic are both parts of EA and some parts of Mythic started helping out with SWTOR some time ago he made a statement about SWTOR. According to him the project already spent 300 million dollars and that it will be the biggest failure in the history of video games. This coming from a guy that works on a game that spent $50 million and has 100k subscribers right now.
  4. There is a rumor floating around that at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference people were saying that there is trouble in TOR land and Bioware is flying people into Austin office to help out.

Enough to put anyone caring about the game into full on panic mode, right? Fear not fellow TOR fans, there are two sides to every story and we will be going in depth on The Cures in our Part 2 of this article tomorrow.

Part 2 of the article has been published and you can read it here

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When Did Friday Updates Become Irrelevant?

Published by under Editorial on Oct. 25. 2010.

After a news-full convention season things have calmed down to the point where regular Friday updates, that the SWTOR community team releases regularly, are becoming a source of frustration rather than source of much needed revelation. In the past weeks we had a new playable planet, Ilum, revealed. We got to view a new entry in Timeline holorecord about the fall of Exar Kun. This Friday was October Fan Friday filled with great community creations, another developer corner and some new avatars and smileys (Ithorians are so cool I had to include the image of the smileys above) for the official forums. Some new character biographies were also revealed.

Guess what – no one seem to care! The community is in a bit of an uproar. With the advertised release date looming ever closer (6-8 months) people are starting to be anxious wanting to find out about core and important game mechanics. We are still missing info on most advanced classes specifics, detailed combat mechanics, end game options, playable species, PvP, crafting, companion mechanics and this is just to name a few of the more important things. Why does the community think that revelation of this information ASAP is so important?

I remember both World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online had extensive closed beta tests for up to a year prior to game’s launch. In these tests rather large portions of the most dedicated members of the community and beta testers constantly provided in depth feedback, based on which developers modified their concepts. Whether this just meant tweaks or completely abandoning certain features it was all done before things were set in stone. With only 6-8 months remaining before the game is supposed to hit the shelves and none of this community-development process interaction happening people are becoming worried. By the way, LOTRO had one of the most successful MMO launches in the history (not in numbers, but in stability and richness of content and features) and we all know about WoW.

I would suggest reading Jedi Archive Online’s article on the subject or visiting Part 2 of a thread on the official forums aptly titled “Bioware, I’m rooting for you, but you’re shooting yourself in the foot” to read more about these concerns.

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Mysterious Transmission From Faint Old Republic Signal

Published by under community news on Oct. 22. 2010.

We just received a mysterious message through our contact us form and it seems we are not the only Swtor fans to get it. The official forum is full of people that got it as well. The message reads as follows:

Subject: ## Incoming Transmission from a faint signal…

Message Body:
## Incoming Transmission from an old Republic signal…
## Initiating trace
## Signal cannot be located!

## Receiving transmission burst…

“where it all began…in a Violent display, lIght meets dark…GrEat
power still remaiNs hERE”


## End Transmission
## Signal lost!
## Attempting reconnect…
## Searching…
## Searching…
## Would you like to continue searching for the signal…?_

There is a cipher that decodes the upper cryptic sequence of characters. To help you out right away, the key you need to start deciphering is tython. This will lead you on a great adventure with a lot of puzzles and brain breakers. The most intriguing part for me was the use of a cipher seen in KOTOR, which shows great knowledge of the creators of this puzzle.

May you be warned that this is not something created by Bioware and there is no beta access as reward at the end of the path (and that is why everyone spent hours on this trying to solve it). Nevertheless it is a great experience and I suggest you test your intelligence by this great game. If you get stuck you can ask in the comments and we’ll give tips, or you can visit the thread started on the official forums and browse through 50+ pages for solutions :).

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Twi’lek, Wookies and Smugglers Take Over Friday

Published by under Smuggler on Sep. 24. 2010.

Image found at

I admit, I expected a smuggler update last Friday and I was wrong. I admit, I did not expect the smuggler update this Friday and that is exactly what happened. And what an update it is!
We have the Smuggler page in the Holonet updated with his specializations and new videos and screenshots.
There is also a page on the smuggler’s bad-ass Wookie associate (companion character), Bowdaar, also known as “The Killer from Kashyyyk”. The winner of 10,000 death matches in the arena got his own holonet page in the biographies section.
Just to make things as interesting as possible we are also introduced to smuggler’s spaceship – Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter. There is a brand new video showcasing the spaceship and we can see several NPCs occupying it. Presumably these are the other smuggler companion characters and one of them seems to be a Mon Calamari! You can watch the video bellow or in our YouTube channel or on the official starship page.
If you thought that is all you were wrong. We also learn that you will be able to make a Twi’lek smuggler and because of that we are presented with an official Twi’lek inhabitants page on the Holonet. Visit it to learn about their natural beauty and charm and what are ‘lekku’ (those head tails they have), and also you can find out why there are so many slave Twi’leks around.

Smuggler Gallery

Smuggler Scoundrel screenshot 1 Smuggler Scoundrel screenshot 2 Smuggler Gunslinger screenshot 1 Smuggler Gunslinger screenshot 2

Smuggler Starship – Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter

Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light 1 Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light 2 Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light 3 Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light 4

Smuggler Starship – Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter Concept Art

Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light Concept Art 1 Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light Concept Art 2 Smuggler Starship XS Stock Light Concept Art 3

Twi’lek Gallery

Twi\'lek 1 Twi\'lek 2 Twi\'lek 3

You can watch the Smuggler trailer and Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter after the break

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