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50 minute video of Comic Con SWTOR panel in HD

Published by under video on Jul. 25. 2010.

Gamespot just released their full video of the SWTOR panel that was held during San Diego Comic Con where it was officially announced for the first time that there will be Space Combat and Ship customization. This is the version with excellent quality and you can see it below or visit Gamespot’s video page to download it or view it in full HD.

P.S. Morgan Webb looks great in HD 😛

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Seven videos from SWTOR Comic Con panel

Published by under video on Jul. 25. 2010.

Finally we can see and hear for ourselves what it was like at the San Diego Comic Con this year. Sean Dahlberg tweeted about a thread on the official forums that holds all the links to the youtube videos. We thank Lukery for posting these links in this thread on the forums. Enjoy!

Click here to see the other 6 videos

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Fight and flight – space battles mag cover unveiled

Published by under news, Space combat on Jul. 24. 2010.

PC Gamer August 2010 cover

Click the image for full size

Following yesterday’s announcement of the existence of space battles in The Old republic the whole community is very excited and is eagerly awaiting more details on the feature. What we know for sure is that PC Gamer magazine will have an exclusive insider look at the feature in their August 17th issue. Above you can see what the cover will look like. We’re scouring the net for more information and we’re eagerly awaiting the rumored video from G4TV.

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Swtor space combat video speculation

Published by under rumor, Space combat, speculation, video on Jul. 23. 2010.

Thanks to this thread on the official forums we became aware of the video below. Apparently, the engine Bioware is using to create SWTOR is capable of producing space combat experiences. The video below is a demonstration of such capabilities by a small developer studio using the same “Hero” engine to create their own Space combat MMO. Whether Space combat in SWTOR will resemble the video below in any way is completely speculative and I must warn against making any conclusions based on the footage you are about to see. I just think this is an interesting find and wanted to share it with you.

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Swtor Comic Con panel recap

Published by under news, Space combat on Jul. 23. 2010.

The long awaited panel “Beyond Solo” at this year’s Comic Con convention held in San Diego has finally happened and boy, what a newsworthy event it was. Thanks to our fansite compadres at Darth Hater and Ask a Jedi we were able to read the news as they happened. Here’s a recapitulation of the most important thing we have learned during the panel.

  • Ship customization and space combat
  • Space combat is an alternative gameplay experience to the primary game of storytelling, questing, and ground-based combat.
  • You fly your personal ship to various “hot spots” on your galaxy map (Speculation: no free roam space flight exists but rather “instanced” hot spots)
  • In these hot spots you will blast your way through asteroid fields, enemy fighters, frigates, destroyers, and a variety of other obstacles that will evoke memories of some of the great Star Wars™ space battles
  • The story arcs are both worldly and galactic. (You will have quests arcs specific to a single planet and more global, galactic, story arcs)
  • You can not switch factions.
  • World quests, “flashpoints” (?) and story arcs are included
  • You can customize your companions with gear similar to Mass Effect
  • Only one companion can join you on missions.
  • Your player name is in your companion’s nameplate
  • Each class story as big as original KoTOR, and no one shares content! (that is 8 KOTOR games right there)
  • Mandalorians play a large part in the game.
  • Some alien race restrictions when picking classes
  • Progression will be very important and can be achieved through tons of gear and crafting, etc. (you will need to “work” for these rewards)
  • You will be able to determine the build of a character based on visual style (Jedi consular with double bladed lightsaber is DPS while single bladed consular is healer)

We expect videos and images to pour in from the event and we’ll update this post accordingly. There is also a Dev meet later on today and we expect more tidbits from there, but I am guessing not as big as the space combat reveal.

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Ship customization and SPACE COMBAT! (Updated as things happen)

Published by under news, Space combat on Jul. 23. 2010.

There is a live blog of the SWTOR Comic Con panel in progress at Darth Hater. The first thing mentioned from the panel is this:

1:03PM PST – James Ohlen: You can customize your ship and engage in space combat. October PC Gamer will reveal more details.

You can follow the updates on Darth Hater as they happen at this location.

Also worth mentioning is that world quests, flashpoints, and story arcs included. We’ll update this post as more information becomes available.

UPDATE: Ask a Jedi is also following the panel live and you can read their impressions here.
Sean Dahlberg just confirmed Space combat on the official forums.

UPDATE 2: Mos Eisley Radio reports:

Space combat is going to be “an alternative gameplay experience to the primary game of storytelling, questing, and ground-based combat” …
We’ll be using our personal ships to “blast through asteroid fields, enemy fighters, frigates, destroyers, and a variety of other obstacles”

UPDATE 3: Alex Freed: Can customize companion via equipment similar to Mass Effect; one companion out at a time, and your player name is in your companion’s nameplate.
Each class story as big as original KoTOR, and no one shares content! (from Ask a Jedi)

(from Darth Hater live blog)

  • If you are interested in Mandalorians, they play a large part in the game.
  • Not every class can play every race.

(from Ask a Jedi)

  • Another Question about progression, they view it extremely important and there will be a lot of it. Specifically mentions crafting in that vein
  • Ironically, nothing more about the multiplayer story other than mentioning there is one 🙁

The panel has apparently ended and we’ll be bringing order to this post and getting all the impressions from the attendees of the panel for you to read.

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Comic Con day one *updated

Published by under news on Jul. 22. 2010.

Comic Con 2010 logo

San Diego Comic Con 2010 is about to begin. Companies have been up all night setting up the booths and most devoted fans have been gathering since last night. We will be covering all The Old Republic news as they happen. Tomorrow is The Old Republic day with Bioware talking about writing the multi-player story for the Old Republic. There will also be a chance to meet Bioware devs at Dick’s Last Resort later in the day. In the meantime people setting up the booth have managed to set off the fire alarm according to their tweet. You can see some preview images we found at the official site. If you are wondering who the redhead is – its Shae Vizsla, the bad ass Bounty Hunter from the “Deceived” trailer.

UPDATE: Meet the devs will not be held at a previously announced location. It has been moved to Fred’s Mexican Cafe in the Gaslamp district just a few blocks from the San Diego Convention Center.

Sdcc10 20100708 1612021822 Shae Vizsla And Darth Vader Shae Vizsla2

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The lack of beta invite is … disturbing (*force choke)

Published by under humor, Site news on Jul. 20. 2010.

We are hard at work with the site. I have a goal of making this little site you are visiting officially launched by the end of this week or, at the latest, start of the next week. We still have some content we want to prepare and release. I am pretty satisfied with the ASCII lightsaber generator and we have a couple more videos and a surprise coming up. This makes releasing news a bit hard to accomplish and there are newsworthy items out there, but, for now, please bare with me while we crunch through this last mile. As a reward for sticking with us here is an absolutely amazing SWTOR wallpaper that I came across at The Galactic Struggle. Enjoy:

Click to see big image

To justify the title of this post here’s a video of Vader doing his thing because he didn’t get his Swtor beta invite (and neither did we 🙁 ).

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Monday watch – podcast bonanza and one year celebrations

Published by under community news, humor, Podcast on Jul. 19. 2010.

Welcome to another Monday community watch. I will be trying to make this our regular thing so you have something to read at work to beat the Monday blues :).

Following this Friday update about the sounds and music of SWTOR, community got very excited and a lot of fansites discussed this topic. I would like to especially single out Galactic Holofeed podcast with their vast knowledge of all things Star wars and awesome voice impressions the podcast hosts do. You can enjoy Suzina’s and Kalvod’s podcast if you click here.

Mos Eisley Radio opens their podcast with the Binary Sunset (some know it as the Force) theme (even it is the Family guy version). I always get goose bumps from listening to this theme, don’t you? In any case, you can listen to the guys celebrate their one year of covering TOR by discussing game design, their worries about this being Bioware’s first MMO and the sounds and music of SWTOR along with their guest host, Jeff Cannata of “Totally Rad Show” and “Weekend Confirmed” fame. Listen to the show here.

In the meantime has Exclusive leaks from deep inside game testing. They are saying that:

Several players deep undercover in Star Wars: The Old Republic testing have confirmed several revolutionary new MMO features to


Another player, who would only identify himself as DarthTerriosity, said that when in game, he had the option to “fight” other beings within game world.

You can read the whole hilarious article here.

If you want to win something this week visit Darth Hater. They are celebrating their 1 year anniversary with a “Choose Your Side Giveaway”. All you have to do is post “HATE ON! GALACTIC REPUBLIC” or “HATE ON! SITH EMPIRE” in a comment in this article before 9:00 AM EST Monday, July 26, 2010. Even Bioware sent them an awesome background image as a gift for their anniversary.

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Another video about the game’s music reveals new planet

Published by under music, speculation, video on Jul. 18. 2010.

Corellia Music Sheet

Click to see full sized image

Gamespot released an exclusive video entitled “Composing the Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic”. It was released short after this Friday’s update that covered game’s music creation through a developer diary. More observant forum members noticed something special in the Gamespot video. There is a music sheet with clearly visible title “Corellia intro (of) Corellia bkgrnd_03”. It is being speculated that this means Corellia will definitely be a playable planet. I am sure this will be a thrill for our friends at :).

The video itself talks about having 5 composers working on the game’s music, each composing for an entire planet and you can watch it bellow (let us know if you notice any other revealing details 🙂

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