Delayed Until September?
Game business site MCV reported a few days back that “development sources” told them that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be released worldwide this September. In the comments section of this very brief and unsupported news item we see Michael@MCV (supposedly chief at MCV) repeating several times that their source is not EA Louse and that their source was credible enough for them to publish this. Here’s a quote from the comments:
We heard a date. We added context around what is looking like drawn-out, perhaps challenged, production. That’s it. You’re just reading too much into it, and being strangely defensive over the suggestion that it might be later than Spring, or delivered earlier than the end of EA’s FY2012.
September may well change, yes. But currently, that’s the target.
Just a day later Tyler Rowe of Bioware wrote on the official forums that Spring 2011 is still the target. You can read the thread this was posted in here.
Personally, I am a big fan of release when it is done philosophy of game development. If this means that the game needs more time to be completely done I am all for delay and do not find it a bit disturbing – fanboy or not. I think MMO gamers are sick and tired of rushed out releases.
I am guessing that Pax East will be the place to be at to hear next big news about SWTOR anyways. Until than this is just heresay speculation, but we had to report on it since a lot of major news outlets have also reported on it.
One Response to “Delayed Until September?”
Thank you for sharing this information, heresy or not. It it what I’ve expected anyway with retailers putting it at Jan 2012, meant to me they were buffering by a couple of months. I was thinking summer, but this makes perfect sense. There is no way, in my mind, that we’ll see this in the spring. I don’t want to see a rushed out affair, but Bioware has been hyping their project for going on two years now, and I think the fans have a fight a right to be frustrated with the lack of communication in this regard. I don’t see how not telling the fans who have endured Friday after Friday of useless update what they already suspect.
Since Pax is in March, I don’t foresee a “We’re going to release it next month” announcement. All and all, and this may be the frustration talking, I’m sick of game hype when there is nothing to hype, and there must have been nothing to hype when they started talking about Spring 11. It makes EALouse, who I originally discounted, seem slightly vindicated in his claim that resources from all over BioWare were being brought to bare to finish SWTOR. It also makes me wonder if BioWare didn’t embellish a bit on what would be in the game. I guess we have a long time to contemplate this.