The first official SWTOR GUild Summit officially kicks off today! As a special treat BioWare is going to be doing a livestream of today’s festivities starting at 10 am CST. Can’t catch the stream as it goes live? Don’t worry! We will be providing up to the minute details about the various reveals and facts announced by the developers as the day progresses.
Just check after the jump for all the reveals. This post will be updated all day long with all the facts, so keep checking back for more info! For a schedule of today’s events check out our previous post.
Update: The livestream is over. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the updates and a big thanks to BioWare for streaming today’s events for us! Continue Reading »
Do you want to help BioWare test out new and upcoming content? Do you want to be one of the first people to see what is in store for the SWTOR world? Well now you have your chance.
BioWare is looking to expand its testing and is looking for experienced players in Austin, Texas to help them test upcoming game content. This includes new Flashpoints, PvP Warzones, and end game Operations. Players will be expected to dedicate at least one weekend an month to testing new content. As an added bonus, this is a fully paid position. That’s right, you can get paid for testing new SWTOR content! If you are interested then fill out and submit this survey.
Don’t live in Austin and still want to help out? Well you are in luck. BioWare is also looking to get teams of players from various guilds to help them test the new content we will be seeing in the 1.2 game update. This includes the new Warzone, Flashpoint, and Operation that will be included with the patch. Guilds will need to put together a group consisting of anywhere between 8 and 20 players that will be willing to put their live games aside for a while to test new content on the Public Test Server. You can read all the details and requirements in this blog post. Space is limited, so if you are interested get those applications in soon!
Are you the leader of a guild in SWTOR? Well then you may get a chance to head to Austin, Texas in March to speak with BioWare developers. BioWare is inviting guild leaders (or a designated officer in the case the leader cannot attend) to join them in roundtable discussions, Q&A sessions, and give leaders a chance to see some upcoming game features.
The goal of the summit is to facilitate an open discussion between guild leaders and the game design team. This event will provide an opportunity for attendees to voice their feedback directly to the teams responsible for the design of Star Wars: The Old Republic, hear the team’s thoughts and reasons behind design decisions, and discuss the current direction of the game. Guild from all over the world are more than welcome to attend, though BioWare reminds everyone that the meeting will be in English.
There apparently have already been guild leaders invited but there are still some spots open for non-invited guild leaders to attend. all you need to do is head to this page and fill out an application. All those attending must be 21 or older and will be responsible for their own travel, food, and lodging expenses. If you are interested in attending make sure to get your application in by midnight on February 10th (central standard time).

I feel like a participant of a certain road trip movie. Destination: creator of a Star Wars Universe; time of departure: right about now. Comic relief best buddies and a potential love interest are missing because I am flying this one Solo (Millenium Falcon not included).
What sounded like a dream of a distant future is now a hard hitting reality and I am about to call a cab to take me to the airport, where the adventure called Fan Site Summit in Austin, Texas will begin. My journey will take me across 6033 miles (that is 9709 km for you metric people out there) and four airports (3 flights to get me from Belgrade, Serbia to Austin, Texas). Twenty hours later I will be basking in hot Texan sun with my family hopelessly far away and days full of wonder ahead.
This site was created with fans of the Old Republic in mind. We exist for this SWTOR community as part of that community. As such, I wanted to share as much as I can about this completely unexpected experience Bioware provided me with, hoping that, at least in some capacity, you will be able to live it with me. I will be updating this post through every leg of the journey up to the doors of Bioware’s studio. There will be impressions and images posted in this very post about anything remotely interesting I encounter on the way. Although I imagine the truly interesting stuff begins once I pass through those doors in Austin, as with every journey, there is a beginning and a path to cross and I want to share it with you guys every step of the way.
Click here to read the trip blog (images included)