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Tag Archive 'beta invite'

Beta Testing Weekend #3 Invites

Published by under Beta,beta testing,Breaking News on Nov. 08. 2011.

Today we have beta invitations going out again. This will be the third beta weekend, but it looks to be a limited invite. The servers located in US East Coast are the ones participating.

Today , 12:37 PM
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Invitations are being sent for a weekend test this weekend!
Sent Nov. 8: Beta Testing Weekend #3 Invites

  • Who was invited: Testers from North America
  • What was sent: Beta Weekend #3 Invites
  • Server locations: US East Coast
  • Invite status: We are currently in the process of sending these invites, and will continue throughout this evening.

All of the invites will be sent out through-out the day and finished by this evening and you should have them in your mailbox. If not, check your spam folder or check your beta testing status on


Some addition information has come out via Stephen Reid a bit ago.

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Beta surveys sent out

Published by under Beta,news on Jun. 16. 2011.

It seems that the Beta expansion is starting effective immediately. Not long after stating that they “recently transitioned into longer-term and larger-scale testing” it was announced yesterday that a batch of survey emails were sent out to people “across the US, UK and EU”. This survey comes from their external testing partner Magid so don’t get confused. These surveys are part of their marketing research and upon completing them you should get a “real” beta invite email if you are eligible for testing.

Just to make things perfectly clear, the order of steps for this latest beta invite is the following.

  • You get an email from Magid inviting you to fill out their SWTOR testing related survey.
  • Once you complete this (and if you are eligible) you should await for a subsequent email from Bioware telling you you’ve been admited
  • Do the jig (warning: graphic violence)

Being that these situations are what phishers love the most please check if your email is really from Magid and don’t go giving out your passwords, credit card numbers of firstborn children if asked to.

Also, here’s a list of steps you should take if your inbox is as empty as mine (or if you are Canadian):

  • cry (warning: graphic violence)

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The lack of beta invite is … disturbing (*force choke)

Published by under humor,Site news on Jul. 20. 2010.

We are hard at work with the site. I have a goal of making this little site you are visiting officially launched by the end of this week or, at the latest, start of the next week. We still have some content we want to prepare and release. I am pretty satisfied with the ASCII lightsaber generator and we have a couple more videos and a surprise coming up. This makes releasing news a bit hard to accomplish and there are newsworthy items out there, but, for now, please bare with me while we crunch through this last mile. As a reward for sticking with us here is an absolutely amazing SWTOR wallpaper that I came across at The Galactic Struggle. Enjoy:

Click to see big image

To justify the title of this post here’s a video of Vader doing his thing because he didn’t get his Swtor beta invite (and neither did we 🙁 ).

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