Today on twitter and the official SWTOR forums, David Bass posted the following;
via twitter:
If you’re going to E3 or live in the LA area, would you want to come to a Meet & Greet this year? Vote
and then on the official forums he posted the poll you can see here.
Hi everyone,
Since E3 isn’t open to the public, we’re considering holding a meet and greet in Los Angeles during the expo so that fans who are in the LA area can meet up with us one night and chat with the developers. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to have the game playable at this meet and greet, but you’d get a chance to chat with those of us who’ll be at the show, and hear about some of the cool things that are happening inside E3.
We’d like to get a better idea of the size of group we’re looking at for an event like this, though. If you’d be interested in coming downtown one night between June 6-9 to meet up with the SW:TOR team, let us know in this thread!
Lets hope this comes to fruition because as a attendee of the recent Fan Site Summit at Austin, held by Bioware studios, I can surely tell you that these people would be a total blast to hang out with. I highly recommend that if you have ever wanted to meet the people behind this game then you need to be here if it happens. Log on to this thread and make your voice be heard.
Bioware has proven in the past that when the community shows a desire, they will try to make it happen. If they are asking for your opinion then it’s obvious they think the need to do this is that important.
Rest assured that if it does happen, SWTOR-Life will be there covering it for you the fans of this game! Be sure to follow us on twitter @Swtorcrafter and @SwtorLife to get the quickest updates about this and E3 2011 live from Los Angeles
Let your voice be heard!
At the time of this update at mid afternoon Sunday we have seen what has happened so far on the thread and poll. The thread has had:
- 161 replies
- 607 people have voted on the poll
- 172 of them or 28.34% voted yes they would attend
- 435 of them or 71.66% voted no they would not attend
Within the thread we have seen these replies from the Developers:
In response to this from forum poster Cidran:
Originally Posted by Cidran
guess it really depends, what all does a meet and greet entail? like would it just be casual talk, any reveals? grab bags? interviews? im interested, but i dont know if there will be much there to encourage me to go.
Stephen Reid had this to say:
Well, it could be all of the above, or none of the above. So far we’re just trying to figure out if we should do it at all.
For those of you who can’t make the trip to LA, don’t despair. As I’ve said before, we’ll be at plenty of shows – before and after launch – in a number of different places.
He gives us enough to let us know that it is a important idea to them and that they are serious about possibly doing it now and into the future. Bioware is a smart company, they know that the more they can make themselves available to the fans, the more the love for the project will grow within the community. In my opinion that could only be good for the game and company as a whole.
Well folks it seems that via David Bass on the official forums we will get our wish! (assuming a suitable location can be acquired of course) It does however seem like this will be an eventuality, I can’t wait to attend. We will be bringing you coverage from this get together.
Here is what he had to say before closing the thread:
Thanks so much for the votes and the feedback, everyone! I think it’s pretty clear that a meet and greet is definitely doable at E3. I’m going to close this thread and get to work on planning something. We’ll post again once we have details to share.
And one final note for those of you considering dropping everything and flying into LA for this meetup: It’s really exciting to see all the enthusiasm towards this, but keep in mind that we’ll be doing plenty more events this year around the world, most of which are open to the public. You may want to hold off so that you can come to a public event and actually play the game. Just a suggestion. 
Posted by Rockjaw aka Stephen Reid on twitter:
More info on
#E3 meet ‘n’ greet tomorrow or Wednesday, for those asking. Think: drinks at a bar.
Looks like we are very close to getting a destination and time folks!
Well today we got the word finally! Some of the developers from Bioware will be at:
Figueroa Hotel (Veranda Bar)
939 South Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA
at 8pm to 11pm after the show at E3 on Wednesday June the 8th
From the events page on Facebook we heard this:
Are you going to E3, or do you live in the Los Angeles area and wish you were? Join the STAR WARS: The Old Republic team for a night of casual conversation, frivolity and drinks! We’ll be heading up to the Figueroa Hotel Veranda Bar after E3 on Wednesday night, and we’d love for you to join us. Stop by, grab a drink on us, and share your love and excitement for The Old Republic with the developers of the game! E3 badge is not required for entry
Note- the game will not be playable at this event
I will be there come join me!