Last week we took our first look at the life of the mysterious Sith Emperor from the time of his birth up to the point when he arrived at Dromund Kaas as the leader of the Sith. Today we will finish looking at what we know of this mysterious being and his life after arriving on Dromund Kaas. Like last week, this article will contain massive spoilers so turn back now if you want to avoid them. Otherwise, join me as we finish our journey looking at this immortal master of the Dark Side. Continue Reading »
We are going to take a break from our regularly scheduled activities this week on TOR Lore and forgo the explanation of a facet of Star Wars lore. Instead we are going to looking at a single individual, one of the most influential people to exist at the time of The Old Republic, the Sith Emperor. This article will contain heavy spoilers for both TOR and some of the novels associated with the game, so if you wish to keep these things a secret I suggest you turn back now. Otherwise I welcome you to join me as we examine the life and exploits of one of the most influential figures of this time. Continue Reading »

Unless you have been avoiding the internet and any sort of Star Wars news entirely in the past month, you know that Drew Karpyshyn’s newest book, Revan, was released this Tuesday. The hype surrounding this novel is huge, not only for the fact that it wraps up the loose ends of what happened to Revan after Knights of the Old Republic but for the fact that it releases the first pieces of background information about the mysterious Emperor of the Sith Empire. But the million credit question is this, should you pick up the book for yourself or just find all the important information out online? I shall endeavor to help you answer that question with my spoiler free review. Continue Reading »