My question to you today,
What can we do to make crafting more fun in SWTOR?
For some people in MMO’s today crafting can sometimes be looked at as simply more than a utilitarian function, a means to help the overall leveling process. As something you do as merely a side thought when you need some type of item in-game. Some people would go so far as to call crafting “boring”, or something they do out of boredom.
To us that thoroughly enjoy these types of systems in MMO’s, we know them to be capable of so much more.
So what can we do to make crafting more fun in SWTOR?
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Swtorcrafter Bounty Hunter!
About the author,
Swtorcrafter is a crafter at heart, dating back to the start of the Ultima Online beta. It was there that he developed his love of massively multiplayer online crafting systems, in game economies and fan site creation. It was there in that realm that he was first introduced to what it was like to play online with other people instead of just a single player PC game.
It was a grand six years, the longest he has been in any one MMO since.
He has searched countless realms searching for that feeling again, sometimes finding satisfaction, sometimes not.
Now as he grows older he decides it is time to “go all in” one last time to try to find that perfect anvil, the crafting system of his dreams, and the community to share his thoughts and insights with.
*Enter stage right*
The Game: Star Wars The Old Republic MMO by Bioware.
The Community:
*fingers crossed*