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UK PC Gamer May 2011 SWTOR Issue

Published by under gameplay,news on Apr. 16. 2011.

PC Gamer May 2011

The upcoming PC Gamer May edition has a 6 page special on the Old Republic. PC Gamer staff had a chance to sit down and play the game for two days in an epic 17-hour long gaming session. They got to play the Bounty hunter and Imperial agent starting worlds as well as some PvP on Alderaan. This issue is infamous for its races/classes chart that mentions the Cyborg for the first time and that Daniel Erickson said is wrong to some extent. What I found interesting is that they clearly put the following stamp at the start of the article: “Release: Autumn 2011”. It is also mentioned that each class’ story is 3 times as big as KOTOR, which means that just the class stories are as big as 24 KOTORs.

Click here to read more about the author’s impressions of the game and to find links to the scans of the issue

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