Last week we took our first look at the life of the mysterious Sith Emperor from the time of his birth up to the point when he arrived at Dromund Kaas as the leader of the Sith. Today we will finish looking at what we know of this mysterious being and his life after arriving on Dromund Kaas. Like last week, this article will contain massive spoilers so turn back now if you want to avoid them. Otherwise, join me as we finish our journey looking at this immortal master of the Dark Side. Continue Reading »
BioWare fans were hit with some sad news today when Drew Karpyshyn announced on his blog that he will no longer be working with BioWare, or on any video games for that matter. Karpyshyn is well known for his work on Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, as well as several novels linked to those games.
Drew had this to say about his decision.
For the past twelve years I’ve had the privilege to work at one of the best companies in the video game industry, side by side with the most talented and incredible group of people I’ve ever had the good fortune to know. I’ve enjoyed my time at BioWare immensely, but it’s time for me to move on.
I’m leaving to focus more time and energy on my novels and other non-video game related projects. But even though I’ll no longer be working on games for BioWare, I’m not going to be severing all ties with them. Many of my closest friends still work at the company, and I’m also in the process of writing the next Star Wars: The Old Republic novel, though I can’t say too much about it yet……
Even if you are someone who is going to miss my contributions to the video game world, I hope you’ll be somewhat mollified by the fact that I’m going to have more time for novels, screenplays and other projects. I’ll always have fond memories of BioWare, and a great appreciation for everything it meant to me. But my future is wide open, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store.
Drew is one of the nicest, most laid back writers in the business who always made time to talk with his fans. Luckily we will have one more gem from him in the form of a new Old Republic novel before he rides off into the sunset. While it is truly sad to see Drew leaving BioWare we here at SWTOR-Life wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Unless you have been avoiding the internet and any sort of Star Wars news entirely in the past month, you know that Drew Karpyshyn’s newest book, Revan, was released this Tuesday. The hype surrounding this novel is huge, not only for the fact that it wraps up the loose ends of what happened to Revan after Knights of the Old Republic but for the fact that it releases the first pieces of background information about the mysterious Emperor of the Sith Empire. But the million credit question is this, should you pick up the book for yourself or just find all the important information out online? I shall endeavor to help you answer that question with my spoiler free review. Continue Reading »

Revan. The very name floods you with memories from Knights of the Old Republic. Revan is one of the most memorable and beloved characters in the Expanded Universe, both because of his history and his role in one of the most popular Star Wars games of all time. He started as a prodigal Jedi Knight who led the Republic to victory in the Mandalorian Wars before becoming a Dark Lord of the Sith bent on subjugating the Republic to his will. Despite a near death experience, he returned to the Light Side and defeated the Sith Empire that he himself created. Then he vanished, never to be heard from again. Revan’s life after the events of KOTOR is a mystery, but Drew Karpyshyn’s upcoming Revan novel should finally fill us in on what adventures Revan undertook after his role in bringing down the Sith Empire he helped create. In anticipation of this novel I will be filling you in on everything we already know about Revan, how and why he entered the Mandalorian Wars, why he fell to the Dark Side, and how he returned to the Jedi. Join me as I dive into the history of one of the most iconic Star Wars characters of all time. Continue Reading »
Today we got a nice treat, hell, I would call it an AWESOME treat from Drew Karpyshyn, the author of the upcoming Revan book. A synopsis was published today along with the specs. I immensely enjoyed this as it has done nothing but to set a fire within me.
This novel when released on November 15th will tie together key pieces of the SWTOR in game lore that until the day that this novel releases will be under the strict control of Lead Writer for SWTOR at Bioware, Daniel Erickson. Daniel has been heard at the latest NYCC Q&A panel to say that this in game lore arc is a closely guarded secret on a need to know basis and that only he stores the complete write up on his machine.
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