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Tag Archive 'star wars'

Bioware Brings SWTOR to PaxPrime 2011!

Published by under Breaking News,PAX Prime on Aug. 25. 2011.


photo of SWTOR booth 914 at PaxPrime 2011 courtesy of @rockjaw

If you are a current follower of the game Star Wars The Old Republic MMO currently in development by Bioware, then you already know about them bringing the SWTOR love to PaxPrime 2011 in Seattle Washington, August 26th through the 28th.  If not then read on because you need to know this info!

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Last Of The Crew Skills Revealed on SWTOR.COM!

Published by under SwtorCrafter on Aug. 20. 2011.

Sitting here last night playing the beta of the Neverwinter heroes facebook game, I happened to do my nightly stroll across the web page on crew skills before I went to bed, just to check on my pretties you understand, when I saw that the rest of the blanks had been filled in.  I have been waiting for this day and still it took me by surprise.

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Bioware Meet and Greet for GamesCom 2011 Attendees

Published by under GamesCom on Aug. 14. 2011.

Lets Meet and Greet!

If you are lucky enough to be present in the area at GamesCom this year in Europe you will have the opportunity to meet the Bioware developers at a “meet and greet” that they will be putting on.

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Guild Beta Testing Invites For SWTOR Are Here!

Published by under Breaking News on Aug. 14. 2011.

Hopefully your guild has one of these to guide you into SWTOR Beta!

In the latest podcast from TorSyndicate, David Bass and Stephen Reid talk about the possibility that we might soon see testing invites going out for guilds leading up to the September beta weekends plan.  When does this mean that they will go out?  While we are not sure of the actual date it does appear that it will be very soon.

Here is what David Bass had to say on the subject:

(1:12:00 into the podcast)    In addition to phase 2, we’re also going to be starting up a guild testing program. We’re obviously continuing to expand out invites for testing and we’re going to start including guilds in that list. So if anyone is interested, I don’t know if that is something people would be involved in or not. It’s more about trying to get an entire group of people who enjoy playing together into the game together. As we’ve said before, guild testing invites are random and so you get some people grouping up and playing together but it’s nice to have an entire guild there playing together so they can plan out…they can be more coordinated in-game which really helps us see how that is going to happen at launch when you have all of those guilds in the game, playing the game.

So hopefully you are already part of and in a established guild for SWTOR.  If so you might just be getting guild testing invites soon!

Watch those email boxes and pester your guild leaders cause it’s coming.



UPDATE:  Shortly after making this post “Doctordake” AKA David Bass had this to say on twitter,

doctordakeDavid Bass
Yes, #swtor Guild Testing has started. We’ll make a post soon with all the details. Please do not contact any of us with invite requests 🙂
So it would seem that it is on, hopefully your guild will be one of the lucky ones chosen.  Good luck!
UPDATE: Now we have the skinny direct from David Bass

We are very pleased to announce the start of Guild Testing for STAR WARS: The Old Republic! This program will allow guilds to be considered as a whole for inclusion in the Game Testing Program, allowing us to gather important data regarding how guilds play The Old Republic, as well as how organized groups deal with various mechanics and systems in the game. The program is already underway, as we’ve invited the first wave of guilds into testing, however we’ll be adding more over the coming weeks alongside the general Game Testing invites.

How do I sign my guild up for Guild Testing?

All you need to do in order to have your guild considered for Guild Testing is to have an active guild with at least 10 members registered in our Guild Headquarters. We also recommend creating a recruitment thread on our forums, but please make sure you are following the Recruitment Guidelines we’ve set forward. Guilds that spam recruitment messages after multiple warnings, for example, will not be considered for Guild Testing.

How are guilds selected for Guild Testing?

In general, guild testing is done randomly from all eligible guilds (that is, those with at least 10 registered members in the Guild Headquarters). Throughout the program, we will be looking to let in both large and small guilds, so as long as your guild meets the minimum requirement, you have an equal chance of being invited to testing. In addition, we may, at our discretion, choose a few select guilds that are active and helpful in the community, since we could use that sort of helpfulness in-game and on the Testing Forums. Note that this will be done in rare circumstances, in order to reward our dedicated community members. Please do not contact any BioWare staff requesting access to Guild Testing, or else your guild may be removed from consideration.

How do I know if my guild has been selected for Guild Testing?

Guild leaders will be contacted directly with detailed instructions when their guild gets selected for testing. It’ll be their job to pass the appropriate information to the rest of their guild in order for everyone to be sent testing invites.

What is involved in Guild Testing?

Guild Testing works the same way as Game Testing does, however by being invited as a guild, you gain the advantage of being in the same testing group and being on the same server, allowing for more coordination amongst the guild for testing group content. You’ll still be a part of the general Game Testing population as well, and will have access to the general testing forums as everyone else does.

Are European guilds eligible for Guild Testing?

European Guild Testing will begin at the same time the European Testing Program begins in the near future.

If you have any other questions about the program, feel free to post in this thread or email us at Again, please do not contact us asking for Guild Testing consideration or your guild may not be considered for testing.





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Professional Analyst Predicting That SWTOR Will Sell 3 Million Copies First Year!

Published by under Breaking News on Aug. 11. 2011.

Here comes the money!

Today we get word from Doug Creutz, analyst with Cowan FInancial Group  and a article from Forbes website  that they project that SWTOR might hit 3 million copies sold within the first year.  With a quote from his statement we hear that…..

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Just What Does Morality Gear Restrictions Mean To The Crafter In SWTOR?

Published by under SwtorCrafter on Aug. 11. 2011.

So do you want a Light or Darkside blaster?

From a recent article on Darth Hater by Raiden entitled “Morality Gear”  and a conversation with my friend Zlatto from AskAJedi   I am perplexed by this question.

Just what does morality gear restrictions mean to the crafter in SWTOR?

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Bioware Youtube Costume Contest!

Published by under community news,GamesCom,video on Aug. 04. 2011.

Erika Christine from Bioware just announced on the BiowareCommunityChannel  a cosplay costume contest starting now to celebrate Bioware being at Gamescom 2011 this year! 

This video has all the details and it sounds like a real hoot!  I can not wait to see what the community comes up with for this.  If you remember the recent San Diego Comic Con you may have seen some of the footage of all the awesome cosplay costumes that came out in full force for this event. Hopefully this contest will bring out some of those along with new costumes never before seen.

The details of the contest include…..

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Swtorcrafter’s Top Ten Info Drops From SDCC 2011

Published by under SDCC 2011 on Jul. 24. 2011.

After the flood of info from San Diego Comic Con came in I decided to have some fun with it and ponder just what was my top ten info releases for me personally.  I start with number ten and work my way to the one I felt to be personally the coolest.  I wonder if your interests are similar to mine, or if you have even seen all this stuff yet?

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E3 2011 Predictions and Speculations about SWTOR

Published by under E3 on May. 31. 2011.


Going to a convention for a game you are following is always a magical time, especially if it is Star Wars The Old Republic MMO by Bioware! Join me, SwtorCrafter,  as I get ready to go to E3 in Los Angeles on the 6th!

Bring the awesome Bioware, I double dog dare you!  😛

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Under the Hood: The Formulas Behind the Mayhem

Published by under Bounty Hunter,humor,PvP on May. 18. 2011.

Ah springtime, when a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of… number crunching?

Gabe Amatangelo, SWTOR’s Lead PvP Designer and purveyor of mirth, stopped by the forums today mostly to quash the fun we might have otherwise had PvP’ing in the buff, but also to shed some rough insight into how Bolster may work in practice.

Those who dreamed of fighting bravely in their skivvies may want to take a few deep breaths before continuing… Continue Reading »

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