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Zero MVP

Published by under webcomic on Jul. 03. 2012.

Bioware did a great thing by adding the defense stats to PvP warzones and adding votes where you can vote for that one healer that kept you alive throughout the whole match. Still, gamers always look for the easiest way though a game and groups usually give votes to each other no matter how well they actually did during a warzone match. I did it as well when I was playing with the guild I was in. Still, it hurts as hell when you win the most medals and are ranked number one in a warzone and get no MVP votes whatsoever. I am almost over the fact that can happen … almost.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Zero MVP”

  1. Anton 05 Jul 2012 at 4:51 am

    I agree, but at the same time, i am guilty.
    I hate it when I rank in the top objective points and get no MVP – then again i usually give mvp to my friends when I play with them because they do the same for me. I find it almost some sort of ettiquet to have to give it to my guild mates over randoms.

  2. demon0806on 06 Jul 2012 at 1:18 pm

    Actually, I have the same problem as you. It seems that pvp’ers was apt to vote for the top healing done player almost everytime imo, they always like the feeling of having someone to cover their ass, even they didn’t receive the benefit from him/her ever. I’m a dps whom often killed the most (like a hero, yeah) and always receive an “O” on scoreboard, that really frustrated me 🙁

  3. Rezon 23 Jul 2012 at 2:45 am

    I totally agree with Mr.Demon0806. As a dps its hard to get shredded in a match then a cold 0 welcoming you in the end.