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SWTOR Developer Tracker

Welcome to our super-fast, search-able and sortable Developer Tracker for Bioware's Star Wars The Old Republic. It is a collection of posts made by the developers and other Bioware employes on the official SWTOR forums. There is an existing feature on the official forums, but we didn't like its functionality, so we improved upon it.

Our developer tracker lets you search by keywords in our little search box. You can sort by each of the columns (Developer name, Forum or date) in both ascending and descending order. Best of all it is powered by javascript and all your actions should be instant. We hope you enjoy it and we'll try and expand on the current functionality in the future.

Showing the latest 200 entires. To browse all 3102 please click here (warning: this is a much bigger page and it might take a while to load)
Dev. Name Forum Thread Date Post Permalink
 Stephen Reid General Discussion Start of the European Gametest 1304527980
Originally Posted by Fargond
would signing up at EA increase chances of being chosen?
im thinking that theres several mail lists then.
when your ready will you 'pool' the email lists and then select your testers from the larger list?
No. To re-iterate, the email was for information only, and was not an invite. You will not increase your chances to be selected by being signed up to multiple lists.

The only pool we will select from is from those who have signed up at and have opted in to test.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Developer Tracker”

  1. […] Visit Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Tracker page […]

  2. […] speculation and nowhere near final we have Daniel Erickson posting on the official forums. You can check what he had to say on our Dev Tracker page (I am just linking there to show off how you can now link to single posts on our Dev Tracker page) […]

  3. […] in a response to the cries from the community after the information was released, Georg Zoeller had this to say to better explain the frequency and their use, and to explain Bioware’s thought process on […]

  4. […] issue is infamous for its races/classes chart that mentions the Cyborg for the first time and that Daniel Erickson said is wrong to some extent. What I found interesting is that they clearly put the following stamp at the start of the article: […]

  5. May Fourth News Bonanza | Swtor Lifeon 05 May 2011 at 1:35 pm

    […] posted on the thread in the official forum to clarify some things and you can find his responses here, here and here.   John Riccitiello, CEO of Electornic Arts, held his regular phone conference […]